Saturday, September 27, 2008

Not that bad...

Apart from a sore butt after 20 miles the 3 hours on the bike this morning felt better than expected! Probably had more to do with enjoying catching up with Carrie and Tanya - and not pushing terribly hard. But after a month off the bike I was pleased to get in a decent 50 miler.

Better still I had a FAN-bloody-TASTIC run at Afton this evening. I ran the Alps bike trails for a change - lots of opportunities to pick up the pace! Finished up at around 10 miles and felt pretty good overall. A few aches and pains and I expect my hamstrings won't be happy tomorrow. Though I think that has as much to do with going back to yoga yesterday morning for the first time in over 3 weeks. Don't think I've had that long a break in almost 2 years. I usually get in a class or two at a hot yoga studio in Galway while I'm over there but work (and socialising) got in the way this trip. Oh and recovery.

Heading back out to Afton tomorrow morning with Igor x 2, Eric and Kami. Will be great to catch up with everyone - can't wait to hear all about the Colorado Outward Bound Relay that Kami and Eric took part in 2 weeks ago. Yes, Kami ran 30 miles the Friday/Saturday after Sawtooth!! With friends like that it's no wonder I don't have a rest mode...

Might swim or bike tomorrow afternoon depending on how the run goes. I think I need to make this a big weekend. I feel recovered. Though I do have TCM next week so I know I should be taking it easy. But that will be a case of waking up Sunday morning and just seeing how I feel and running an appropriate pace. Or at least that's what I am telling myself. Anyway, taper or no taper I need to kick start my metabolism big time. I gained 5lbs during my trip. Not surprising with 2 chocolate bars a day, lots of eating out and plenty of champagne & wine. Had to be done. But I am forever grateful that Cadbury's chocolate is hard to come by here and the stuff that is available just doesn't taste the same!

end of post.

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