Friday, May 15, 2009

Not so fast...

That's both an appeal to time and a reflection on my current running form! Where has the first half of May gone? I couldn't wait for long evenings and 60F+ weather to arrive but I don't seem to be able to enjoy much of it. Work is completely mental. I suppose I can't complain given the state of things. But I will anyway. Not that I am one for much balance in my life but an hour here or there to just chill out would be nice. Or really to just catch up on sleep. Less than 5hrs a night is only good for 2-3 nights. Not 2 weeks. Going on three. Had to take today off to just spend some time in my house - and to pack my bag for a weekend in New York - fun, followed by a week in Ireland (again) - work. I think it is is the first time ever I have complained about going back home. Two weeks in a month is just a little much.

Anyway, running and all that... after a dismal week last week I had a decent 16 mile run in the local park near my Mum's house on Saturday evening. This is where I did a lot of my training for my first marathon so it always feels good to run there.

Got back from Ireland Sunday and ran a few easy miles to shake off the jetlag. Then on Tuesday I finally made it to the track - a reminder that I need to do this more often! We were doing 400's so I did 8 with a 200 recovery between each one. Nothing the past 2 days. Well, except 16hr work days. And then this morning got out for a long run... was aiming for 20 at 7:45 pace... was going okay until about mile 14. Got a few stomach cramps and was just feeling tired so I eased up for a few miles and decided 18 would do so I managed the last two a bit faster. Averaged 7:42. Felt way harder than it should have. It will be interesting to see how the Stillwater 20M race goes next weekend. I suspect my goal of 7:21 pace may be a stretch...

Good luck to all heading up north this weekend for the Superior Spring races!