Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Stormy Run!

The plan for this evening's run had been "kenyans" on the Luce Line - a speed workout that goes something like this... 20 min out, 16 back 16 min out, 12 back 12 min out, 8 back etc etc until we drop…. However, by the time Tanya, Karen and I left the parking lot at 6pm we had abandoned the plan and decided to just head out for a few miles and see how we felt. No need for speed... I am having hamstring issues, Tanya's hip is bothering her - and Karen, well, Karen's job sounds like she does a speed workout every day (before lunch)! But as luck would have it we got our speed in anyway - just after we turned around at the 4-mile mark the skies opened and we had to race back through a thunderstorm complete with fantastic lightening show - it was getting scarier by the minute. It felt like something out of a movie as the wind was swirling the loose leaves all around us. Eventually we made it to the bridge at around the 1.8 mile mark and stayed put for about 20 minutes. The rain eased off but there was still a lot of thunder, though now further away, and a few flashes of lightening. We arrived back at the cars around 7:30pm completely soaked!! Which reminds me, I left my wet shoes in the car... mmm that'll smell nice tomorrow morning...