Sunday, October 19, 2008

When is a weekend not a weekend?

When all you do is work? Ok, so about half the 'work' was working out which resembles most weekends. But spending both afternoon/evenings at the office doesn't. Thankfully. But it did change my mind about something. The yard is getting nicely covered in leaves and looking very neglected and I am likely to be working the next few weekends... SO, screw my good intentions of doing the yardwork myself again this year... time to make a few calls!

Ran at Afton this morning with John and Kevin. It was great fun catching up with the guys. And John was so sweet to give me a framed photo of me crossing the finish line at Sawtooth - nicely touched up with clock time and everything! Very neat. Then he kicked my butt for 2.5 hours...

I had planned a longer run but was totally wrecked after this tour of many Afton trails I'd never been on before that I decided to call it a day. I guess the legs were not so fresh after yesterday's bike ride. We spent the first hour over on the mountain bike singletrack and then made our way back over and up onto the prairie. Kevin headed back, having finished 7th at Glacial 50 last weekend! And John (warming up for the Fall 50 next weekend) and I did a loop through the 'off-trail' trails which are quite a bit rougher than the main routes. Yes, of course I fell... what's one more scar on my knee.

The foot felt great for the first hour but not so good by the end. I had taped it which I think helps. But I suppose it just needs more rest. And no, it won't get it. I do need to be careful though. Whatever about the swim and bike I need to have a good marathon at IM!

End of post.