Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Dream

Well, I had the pre-race dream last night. It was definitely one of the weirder ones. There was nothing familiar about the setting. It was in a city but not one I've ever been to. I was sitting in the sunshine on a grassy section watching the elites go by. I had on shorts and t-shirt but not my planned race gear. I was eating chocolate cake (imagine that). Somewhere in my mind it clicked that if the elites were running I should probably make my way to the start line - I think the main race started a half hour later. I went in search of my running gear bag - I think I knew where it was but then I got distracted by the fact that I had not picked up my timing chip. In fact I think I'd by-passed packet pick-up completely. I didn't know if it was still open but figured I wouldn't have time. Next think I know the runners are coming towards me. I didn't even know where the start line was but that didn't matter now... I spotted a girl coming out of a building and joining in the race and contemplated doing that. But then I remembered I'd wanted to run a PR and what good would that be without the evidence of the timing chip! The funny thing was I wasn't even panicking...