Thursday, April 17, 2008

Thursday night thoughts...

Yes, that is the sort of title I come up with when I really have nothing to say but feel like writing anyway. Had such a great sleep last night after the massage and amazingly didn't have any pain this morning - Sue was sure I would feel it after her deep tissue work. Shoulders are much better though I am convinced I'll never again have a day where I feel no pain in them! Didn't bother to get up for yoga this morning I think the extra hour in bed was a much better option. Crazy day in work I don't think I sat down for more than 5 minutes. One of those days where you eat your breakfast at lunch time and your lunch at... mmm... did I eat my lunch? But after thinking I'd be there really late we got an issue sorted at 6:30 pm so I called Tanya to see if she was still up for biking. We met at LTF in Maple Grove and got a good 1:10 ride in. It's sooo nice getting outside on the bike...
Oh my gosh - I am sat here watching the Colbert Report (one of my fav shows!) - and Hillary Clinton is after walking on set - he's doing the show from Philly ahead of next week's primary. Ha - she only stayed a few minutes but she was funny. Nice one. Not that it matters since I can't vote. Which is good since it means I'm allowed to be on the fence! But I do enjoy watching the debates. Though I almost feel bad for them with some of the questions. Like seriously - is it really that important that Obama doesn't wear a flag pin? Is that really worthy of debate on national TV when the country is (1) at war, (2) in recession, and (3) incredibly divided. Ok, that enough. It's a dangerous road to start talking politics when I have such little history in the country. Anyway, another 20 minutes sucessfully wasted and I still have work to do. Better plan on an early night tomorrow night or the 4 loops won't feel so good Saturday... Oh - now John Edwards is on the show doing "Tonight's Word" - he's good - ok so it's totally scripted but he's pulling it off. Still, I don't think his endorsement (if he ever gets around to deciding - how's that for holding out 'til someone ask you to be VP) is really going to make a huge difference. Ok. gotto go. Oh wait - to finish off Barak Obama has just come on via videolink. Good segment. Funny. I like him but I always get the feeling he's speaking like he's on the podium no matter what the setting is. Not in the sense that everything is scripted but I think that he's such a good orator that it's easy for him to always be in speech mode so that I feel like he's talking at you not to you. Anyway. Am signing off this time!