Thursday, October 2, 2008

Running for a reason...

I have a boatload of work to do tonight but am having far too much fun watching the VP 'debate'. I don't have a vote. But if I did... Obama-Palin would get mine. She's funny. In a way that doesn't make you laugh. At all. And she can talk. Usually completely off point. And boy can she smile. Oh yeah Palin would off-set Obama nicely. He is critized for being an elitist. And she is anything but that. Quote of the night: "I'm only just at this 5 weeks". No kidding.

All will be revealed come Nov 4th. The whole process is at times exciting, depressing, fun, pathetic, and plain confusing. Whoever comes out on top is going to have one hell of a job on their hands. Like your worst ultra experience times a million.

Me, I'd sooner just run...

End of post.