Saturday, April 19, 2008

My first DNF...

Ah, the shame. If only I had switched to the 25k to begin with it would all be so much better!! I thought I had defied the recovery fairies and was ready for 4 loops at Hyland park - especially when they re-routed the course to skip the ski hill and the goat trail (which I actually love!). But alas, it was not to be. By the start of the second loop I was already visualizing myself edgeing off to the side after the "finish" line as inconspicuously as I could. Todd was working the first aid station and I told him not to be surprised if he didn't see me again! Kami and I were running together - the slightly delayed start worked out quite well for someone who lives way out in the sticks :) - and I knew she was feeling better than me and was up for at least a 3rd loop. But I have a tough 50k next weekend that I really want to do well at so I knew that I had better be kind to my hamstrings. Plus Kevin and a few others from the run club were running the 25k and the social side of running just seemed more important!! Kami decided to call it a day also after thinking about the busy day she had ahead of her. We were both a little ashamed to pull off the course especially after we'd met a load of people we knew on that last section who were on their 2nd loop of the 25k - they all knew we were running the 50k and had great words of encouragement. We were like - ok, let's finish and get out of here!! We did hang around long enough to chat to Kevin, Eric x 2 and a few others. Keith ran a great 25k - I realized after I got in my car that I hadn't even looked at his feet - that must have been some fun running in the mud in the Vibrams! Also saw Steve at one point - and judging by where I passed him he was having a phenomenal 50k!

Chatted for an hour over coffee with Kevin and Eric before heading home to get cleaned up and over to my hair apt. Still trying to figure out what to do with short curly hair!! The rest of the day so far has been spent catching up on work and consoling myself that I am going to go for a nice long bike ride tomorrow. I know, what I really need to do is NOTHING but I am just no good at recovery. Or taper. Or whatever it is I should be doing after last weekend and before next weekend. I need the opposite of that 5hr energy drink I hear being advertised all the time. I need a 5hr relax drink. Yeah I know, it's called red wine...
end of post.