Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Swimming - TWO days in a row!!

Although it wasn't intentional... I headed out on the bike around 4pm thinking I'd avoided the rain. Yeah, right! Twenty minutes later I was soaked. I had arranged to meet Tanya at Lifetime at 4:45pm so was just doing a short loop to begin with. But decided to call it a day as the skies were just getting darker and darker. (11mi, HR 122)

So we headed into the pool instead - which was empty for once - the synchronized swimmers from Wayzata high school might be fun to watch but not when they decide to take up ALL 8 lanes in the pool! But no sign of them this evening so we got a little over an hour in. 2600 yards. I was really tired at first but soon warmed up and I guess I enjoyed it. Sort of.

I'd ran this morning (7.5mi, HR 156) so it ended up being a mini-reverse-tri! Had a great run. My right hamstring, down towards the back of my knee, felt a bit tight in the first few yards but seemed to go away almost immediately. I am loving my morning runs around the lakes, either by myself or with others. No better way to start the day.

end of post