Monday, June 21, 2010

Superior 50K, May 2010

The title would suggest a race report, right? You will not be disappointed! But since my general lack of enthusiasm for the race spilled over into a complete meltdown when it came to writing a race report, I am going to borrow a much more entertaining one that I ever could have written. Many of you who run locally have met my friend Deirdre by now - Dee is over here for 6 months with work and, as you will see, is very much enjoying the trail scene. Click here to read an account of her first trail adventure in Minnesota.

I hope to run this race again next year. I think it was probably a bad idea just two weeks after Miwok. Though it was probably more the big week after that race rather than the race itself. I should know better! But don't get me wrong just because I didn't have a good race myself I did really enjoy the event. Very well organized and what's not to love about a day with friends on the Superior Hiking Trail? As Jen Pierce told me at the Sawbill aid station when I was acting like a spoilt brat just because I wasn't having a good day - "A bad day on the SHT is still better than a day in the office" - it was just what I needed to hear! Things did get better soon after that and the second half was actually kinda fun. Kinda. It was cool to run a few miles in the middle with Vale and then towards the end with Erik. Huge congrats to Margot who won in a great time - on her FIRST ultra! That was awesome.

Race articles

And a few photos from the race start, trail (Thanks
Wayne!) and finish line party on the lawn at Caribou Highlands Lodge - no better place to spend an afternoon in the sun!


shannon said...

I just read your post on Afton. I am new to trail running, however, this did not deter me from registering for Afton. Is this a course a trail running novice can respectably compete on?

Helen said...

Hey Shannon - that's great you signed up for Afton! It was my first ever trail race - and clearly I have not regretted it!

The key thing is just to go out easy - take that first downhill nice and easy - it's on a gravel road but still a bit technical when you are used to roads and it will be crowded (I know because I fell here on that first race!).

Power-hike the hills and save your energy for the several relatively flat sections - up high on the open prairie, and down low in the woods and along the river.

It will get hot so make sure you hydrate really well the few days before and during the race.

Good Luck! I will be at the finish line and would love to chat with you afterwards.

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