Monday, June 21, 2010

Superior 50K, May 2010

The title would suggest a race report, right? You will not be disappointed! But since my general lack of enthusiasm for the race spilled over into a complete meltdown when it came to writing a race report, I am going to borrow a much more entertaining one that I ever could have written. Many of you who run locally have met my friend Deirdre by now - Dee is over here for 6 months with work and, as you will see, is very much enjoying the trail scene. Click here to read an account of her first trail adventure in Minnesota.

I hope to run this race again next year. I think it was probably a bad idea just two weeks after Miwok. Though it was probably more the big week after that race rather than the race itself. I should know better! But don't get me wrong just because I didn't have a good race myself I did really enjoy the event. Very well organized and what's not to love about a day with friends on the Superior Hiking Trail? As Jen Pierce told me at the Sawbill aid station when I was acting like a spoilt brat just because I wasn't having a good day - "A bad day on the SHT is still better than a day in the office" - it was just what I needed to hear! Things did get better soon after that and the second half was actually kinda fun. Kinda. It was cool to run a few miles in the middle with Vale and then towards the end with Erik. Huge congrats to Margot who won in a great time - on her FIRST ultra! That was awesome.

Race articles

And a few photos from the race start, trail (Thanks
Wayne!) and finish line party on the lawn at Caribou Highlands Lodge - no better place to spend an afternoon in the sun!