Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 in a row

Another bike ride and another ten miles at Afton! Not a bad weekend after my vacation. I know, I know, it's only been 3 weeks and I am probably hurting myself more than helping myself but I have an IM in 8 weeks. Yikes 8 weeks. That is way too soon. Not to mention I sort of just realized I'll only be able to lake swim for another 1-2 weeks so my LONG swims will have to be in the pool. Didn't really put a lot of thought into that one when I signed up for a late November race... I don't necessarily enjoy lake swimming any more than I do pool swimming but it's too darn easy to cut short a workout in the pool!

Anyway, today started out with another great run at Afton. Val joined myself and the boys and we headed out there for a 7:30am start. It was glorious. Cool and misty. Perfect fall-running-through-the-woods conditions! All 5 of us are running TCM next Sunday so we were questioning a relatively tough 10 miles on the trail a week out but when Igor suggested an hour into it that we go for another 30 minutes nobody objected. Met Philip G-S after we got done. Alicia and Maria were out there also but we missed them.

I started my yard clean-up when I got back but didn't last too long at that. Met Karen for coffee - it was so good catching up with her. She is one funny chick. Without trying to be. Then met Pam in Plymouth for a bike ride. Got to hear all about her mountain bike trip in Moab last week - a definite one to add to the list! We joined Tanya for the last 2 hours of her 5.5hr ride. Yes, I am training for the same IM as Tanya again this year but obviously not quite adhering to the program this time around. Apart from the first 10 minutes when my butt hurt SO bad (that's what you get on Day 2 after a 6 week break...), it was a pretty good ride and we ended up at 36 miles for the 2hrs so I was happy with that. AND the best part of the day was making myself go into the gym afterwards to S-T-R-E-T-C-H for a whole 20 minutes!

Later on, after enjoying a few too many chocolate grahams I picked up "Paleo Diet for Athletes" at Barnes & Noble (my absolutely fav store). Despite enjoying Matt's occasional piss-take of Adam's nutritional advice I've done a bit of reading on this concept and think it might just be the change I need. I definitely need to do something. Fall is setting in and I know what I'm like when it comes to cold weather and comfort foods!! If only I could become as obsessed with good eating habits as I am with working out...

While at B&N I also picked up Bill Bryson's "Walk in the Woods" - his tale about hiking the AT which I've heard is very funny. It's a while since I've read his stuff but I know I've really enjoyed it in the past. Also got the 2009 Cars Consumer Report - planning to change vehicles in the next few months but am wavering wildly between another mid-size SUV and a sporty no-room-in-the-trunk number. Suppose I should check what I can actually afford first but where's the fun in that?

End of post.

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