Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Accepting it!

After several PT sessions since the marathon and endless rounds of ice massage, no running, just in the pool and yoga classes since Saturday... there is still relatively intense pain deep in the muscle (anterior tibialis) when I flex my foot back. So, I emailed the Grindstone RD today to withdraw from the race. I am in San Francisco for the week with work and have been thinking nonstop about how much I love running and what a pity it is I cannot be outside early in the morning running through parts of this city I won't have a chance to otherwise experience. Bringing back memories of the marathon I ran here in 2005. And enjoying the start of fall running.

And the more I thought about it I realizied that even if I could make it through Grindstone it would hurt and would likely put me out for another several weeks if not months. And no race is worth that. Well, maybe some races are but not this one, not right now.

On the upside it means I can leave for Ireland a few days early and spend some time with the family and my baby nephew. And celebrate with my (other) sister who recently got engaged. And with a bit of luck be able to start running again while I'm over there.

And if that goes ok I'm still signed up for the NF 50 miler in Madison Oct 24 so I have to believe there's a good chance I'll be back in action to get in some training for that. It might not be as good a race as I'd hoped for but I've never ran on that section of the Ice Age Trail so that alone will be cool.

No regrets. Moose Mountain was a blast.


SteveQ said...

How'd I miss there being another 50 miler on the Ice Age Trail? Time for me to start looking at races for next years fab 5 series!

Grindstone with a bad leg would probably be a bad idea, so good decision, I say.

SteveQ said...

BTW - you cut almost two hours off your first finishing time at the Moose Mountain. I just reread your race report from 2006, where you say you don't need to know what it's like to finish the 100 miler. My how things have changed!

nwgdc said...

Unfortunately only about half (maybe less) of the North Face course is on the IAT, and that particular portion that of the IAT is relatively mild. Still, I'm looking forward to watching you dominate! So get healthy FAST.

Susan said...

Helen- I am glad you made a decision....being on the fence is a tough place to be, but it sounds like you are listening to your body. I am happy you get to spend more time in Ireland and I know you will have a great time with your family. There will always be another race.. that is what I am telling myself. :) Enjoy CA and when your back I want to go to the pool with you.

Beth said...

I'm sending positive vibes your way, hoping that you will heal quickly. I'm glad you are giving yourself a chance to heal so that you can be back in action soon. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your family!

Kel said...

Bummer about having to put Grindstone on hold, but it sounds like the right decision. That race will still be there if you decide to take another crack at it when you're healthy.

Enjoy your family visit!

sea legs girl said...

A good thing about having an injury is it gives it gives all the muscles time to rest. So when you do come back and run the North Face Challenge in Madison, I bet you'll be even stronger. I don't know if that's much consolation for you, though :).

Anonymous said...

Helen, sorry to hear that Grindstone is off the calendar this year. Take a moment and look at the year you have had thus far. I do not think in the future you will have any regrets. I hope for a speedy recovery before NF50.

Carrie said...

Helen, very good big picture thinking. I'm so sorry you're having to deal with this. Looking forward to catching up with you this weekend. Enjoy the rest of your time in San Fran.

SteveQ said...

I just heard Tim Twietmeyer's doing the NF 50. If you don't know the name, he finished the WS 100 in under 24 hours... 25 times!

nwgdc said...

Tim Twietmeyer, and Eric Grossman, and Tim Parr (this year's Leadville 100 and Pikes Peak Ascent winner). Wow!

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