Monday, May 24, 2010

When being one of the 90% would be OK...

So much for my last run with a numb foot. I had my apt with the foot doc this afternoon. After a few attempts, he numbs up the ankle area, cleans it and then punctures the skin with a rather large syringe. I am watching it intently - I love this stuff - expecting the syringle to fill with a bloody mess of fluid and gunk. Nothing. Not even a drop! Well okay, maybe like half a cc. Let's try this again... puncture #2 about a half inch to the right. Nada. Puncture #3. Nada. "This works about 90% of the time"... the other 10% the cyst either moves about too much or is too dense. The MRI showed mine to be somewhat dispersed around the nerves and tendons but the bulk of it is right there and the doc can hold it pretty good with one hand as he tries for a final time. Nothing. It ain't being sucked out. Not today, and probably not ever.

I have three options: surgery now, live with it a while longer and have surgery later or ignore it and see if the symptoms go away (unquantifiable probability). So two options really.

Now or later. I feel it on every run, almost straight away on roads, a few miles in on trails. The ball of my foot goes numb (so I suppose technically, I don't feel it), then the base of my toes get painful. And sometimes my whole foot and lower leg feel like they are full of fluid. I could live with it and run the summer races and then take care of it. But it's not like I feel I am in super shape right now so why put it off. It's hard to tell if it's really 'impacting my racing' but I suppose it isn't helping it. And after all the donughts I had for breakfast today, I need all the help I can get. So one option then.

Now. But how soon is now? The soonest I can get surgery is 2 weeks time. So my big dilemna is do I have it then and skip Bighorn and Afton and see if I can race Voyageur. Or do I run Bighorn, then have it, skip Afton and probably Voyageur - and focus on Where's Waldo. On the one hand the choice is obvious - run the races I may never have a chance to again vs the local ones. But Afton and Voyaguer are probably my two favourite races!

I'll sleep on it.


Chris Swenke said...

Taking time off is such a hard decision. We weave our running into most all we do and taking it away for any period of time feels like we removed a limb. After recently taking 2 months off for a back issue, I remember counting down the days to when I could get back out there.

As much as I will miss the opportunity of seeing you lap me at Afton I would take care of it right away and come back strong for the fall season. Spend your time in the gym, on your bike and yoga mat building your core and legs than come out firing at the end of July.

Risking further injury to yourself by possibly compensating for this doesn't seem like the right thing to do. There will always be another Afton. Heck sign up to volunteer and see what its like on the other side of the aid station.

Take Care,

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain! I'm prone to the same cysts and the one that I get on my toe joint and hip are the worst. They can stop you in your tracks. I have not had surgery for any of the cysts yet. I have had success each time they were drained (although it took a few sessions). The one's in my hands usually break up on their own if I press on the area surrounding the cyst. Having to skip events when you are in great shape really, really sucks. I completely understand. Hope you can get these issues resolved soon.


SteveQ said...

I've had cysts the size of golf balls at the bottom of my achilles tendons for 25 years. I say ru with them - I'm even looking forward to seeing the "Team Helen" shirt.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, my first thought is run Big Horn, then skip the two locals(as hard as that it) and focus on where's Waldo...
I think it would be interesting to see you make a long range training plan and peak for a big race like Where's Waldo...kind of like we talked about Saturday...
I don't have a second thought!

At any rate take care....

Karen S

Steve said...

Sorry about the bad news, Helen. I totally commiserate with your situation. Just follow your heart as to which race is most important to you. Irregardless, I think it is wisest to take care of the cyst earlier than later so that it doesn't create other problems or result in a longer layoff. I was so glad I took care of my injury right away instead of running through it. Now I'm on the road to recovery and have a chance at Sawtooth. Oh, and like it needed to be said, don't take injury advice from Mr. Quick, unless you're trying to get injured. LOL

Best wishes for good health!

Anonymous said...

Sooner rather than later. Get it over with so you can enjoy all of your runs...

Olga said...

I say what Karen S says. Bighorn, surgery, no local races (volunteer!!!) - and Waldo as a goal. Hang in there!

Beth said...

Oh, I'm so sorry that the draining didn't work. Once I make up my mind that I'm going to do something, I have a hard time putting it off so I would do it right away. That's just me though. I don't know what you should do! Whatever you decide I hope you heal quickly so you can enjoy your passion 100%!

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