Thursday, August 20, 2009

Lean Horse prep and other Random Stuff

I guess I haven't had much to say lately. Well, more like no time to say it... can you believe it is the end of August next weekend?? August in MN - where it's meant to be 90F at least every other day, right? Except for this summer... when we have to go to Hot Springs, SD, to experience it - in the middle of an ultra no less!

Preparation for Lean Horse has involved a few solid weeks of training since Voyaguer followed by this week of taper - multiple yoga sessions and a few swims. I think I have decided on which shoes to wear (road? trail? road? trail?) but that might change again by Saturday... I got my gaiters but think I ordered them too big - but I can pin them. I am packing about 6 different running tops as I just cannot decide - I guess the lightest and brightest considering the conditions... I am even going to wear a cap which I hate to do but that sun just looks horrific... and I am wearing my iPod again! Or at least I will if I can improve my running playlist between now and Saturday :)

And now for the random stuff -
  • I feel like the hot yoga - 2/3 classed a week for the past 8 weeks or so - has helped with heat conditioning. But we shall see...
  • I have a goal of sub-8hrs for Lean Horse. There, I said it! Before the race! I plan to go out in 4:00 and back in 3:59.9. Again, we shall see...
  • I feel like I am running stronger than I ever have - I am not sure that I am faster at every distance than I was last year but I have been thrilled by my recovery this summer. I don't seem to have any problem running the day after a race or a long hard run. And I've thrown in some twice-a-day-runs which seems to work well for me.
  • My quads have given up complaining. I expect they will start again by mile 80 of AC-100 coming down Mt. Wilson, if not before.
  • Hill repeats suck. And I'm talking Helen-style hill repeats not Julie Berg-style hill repeats. I really don't know how she does it!
  • I love love love the Vibram five fingers. I ran a 5K trail race (The White Tail Ridge Trail Run) in River Falls last Sunday in them. It was a blast - super muddy but they held up great - no less grip than regular shoes. Though I did have about twice as much mud as everyone else - but I wasn't holding back so the spills were many... The race was well worth the drive over - a fun group of people put the race on and then the trails are given over to the bikers for a full day of MTB racing. I watched a few of the early ones take off and then headed over to Maiden Rock for some hill repeats along Lake Pepin in the midday sun. Fun. Not.
  • I've really been enjoying watching the athletics from Berlin this week - Usain Bolt is truly phenomenal to watch. And so many other great stars. The coverage at is awesome.

I can't wait to see how everyone does at Leadville. Joe Z, Tony K and several others I know are out there for it. I thought there was online race coverage last year but couldn't see anything on the website (not an easy site to navigate with all the various events!).


Wayne said...

You're ready, Helen! Have a great race and get that sub-8!!

Kel said...

I'll be cheering for you when we pass each other (I'll still be on my way out when you're on your way back).

My goals are to: #1 finish, #2 finish in 12 hours. If I can pull off #2, you'll get another 10 points ;)

johnmaas said...

Go with the road shoes and light clothes. The 50 mile is 35 miles of gravel road, 12 miles of crushed limestone, and about 3 miles of streets.
There is very little shade available.
Negative split is very possible, as long as you take it easy on the hills on Argyle Road going out.
You will do it!

Beth said...

I'm so glad you have been having such a great season and are feeling so well. Enjoy your race- you are ready and will do fantastic. Can't wait to hear all about it!

nwgdc said...

Ummm Hurry up and get a report done for this one! I just saw the results and CAN'T WAIT!

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