Saturday, June 27, 2009

Am I recovered yet?

From last week's marathon? Probably.

From a severe case of OCD? Never!

A year ago this week I ran what I considered to be my best race to date at the Afton 50K. I was thrilled to finish in 4:36. Though as usual, within approximately 2 minutes of finishing I was calculating where I could possibly have picked up time and promising myself how much better trained and prepared I would be in 12 months time. Part of this plan was less races in 2009 (easier said than done); the following was not:

- 2 weeks prior: attempt to PR in a road marathon; follow that up with another 21 miles by Wednesday

- 1 week prior: after an 8M run at Hyland Friday morning, head to Afton with the usual gang of crazies to start running at midnight... through a thunderstorm no less... ending up with 20 miles by 3:30AM, running the first 10 with John who's easy pace is faster than my race pace; a sunrise swim in the St. Croix followed by a burger breakfast; home by 7am for a 40 minute power nap before heading downtown to participate in a work-sponsored 5K (HeartBeat 5000 - 21:30 good enough for 3rd female)

Yeah, that definitely wasn't part of the plan. But heck it was fun. A little scray at times last night - I was completely awed, and a little freaked out, by witnessing for the first time ever a bolt of lightening hit and fire up a tree on the horizon.

So, not exactly what you'd call a 50K taper. Which has me revising an original goal of running sub-4:30 to aiming for 4:45 and considering it a 'training race' for Voyageur. Because, obviously, I'll be so much smarter in the weeks before that race.


Beth said...

You are really getting a lot of miles in. I'm sure you'll do great at Afton. I saw that you used new skin on your blister with great results so used it on my rubbed-raw neck for my race today. It worked great! Thanks for sharing your blister-protection method. Good luck getting ready for Afton and Voyageur.

johnmaas said...

I'm not buying the "training run" thing at all. You are in great shape right now and having a lot of fun with it.
Don't give up on the sub 4:30 goal - you can do it.
See you Saturday!

SteveQ said...

Yeah, go for 4:30. If you make it, I won't feel so bad if you beat me. I'll be in around 4:45-4:50 (and by "in", I mean an an ambulance).

Helen said...

That's the spirit Steve - forget about minor annoyances like breaking a finger or toe...

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