Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The week so far...

The ice bath on Saturday evening worked wonders so I was feeling pretty good Sunday morning. The calf pain was gone and while I still had numbness along the ball of my foot, overall things felt surprisingly good. One thing the (new) PT pointed out on my first visit a month ago was how much weaker my left hamstring/glute is compared to my right. No question, I always push off with my right leg when running, step forward first with the right leg in yoga, bike stronger with the right leg... and so on. However, this was never made so clear to me as after Saturday's run. While my right leg was sore and tired, the left one felt like it had done diddly-squat. So as well as the PT exercises, every time I run/bike/swim/practice yoga I am trying to focus as much as possible on using my left leg.

And you think running is just a matter of putting one foot in front of the other.

Anyway, the week so far...

Sunday: Swam in the morning - trying to focus as much as possible on my left leg with lots of kickboard. I'd planned to take it easy for the rest of the day but the weather was so beautiful I had to be outside... with my running shoes on... running... I ended up at Lake Nokomis running harder and faster than planned. 9M in about 1:08 with a final lap at 6:48 avg pace.

Monday: Yoga in the morning (new mantra: left leg, left leg, left leg) and swim after work (endless laps of kickboard powered by left leg).

I also had PT and a massage Monday night (it was a late one) with some insightful thoughts from the professionals...

Upon hearing of my new ailment* the PT asked "Am I ever going to get rid of you?" An hour later, while working on my still-new-to-rock-climbing triceps Sue commented "Well, you always give me plenty to work on"

* My internet-assisted self-diagnosis on the numb foot was confirmed by the PT as Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome - caused by repeatedly tying my shoelaces too tight at Terrapin as they kept loosening getting wet with the multiple creek crossings, and catching a nerve along the inside of my ankle. Should work itself out with some ART and ice-massage. I think REST might also have been mentioned but I am not sure...

Tuesday: Ran 12M in the late afternoon sunshine... LOVE this weather... was not quite sure how I was feeling so I started out with an 8:20 warm-up and soon found my groove... 7:20, 7:10, 7:00 etc - ended up with a few sub-7:00's plus some recovery miles to average 7:18 overall. Happy with that for a tempo run. I am not really following the "Run Less. Run Faster" program but according to the plan I seem to be close enough to my Grandma's goal. Though I will probably not get in my long runs at the correct pace for the next few weeks due to other race plans... oh well, as much as I'd like to PR for the marathon it's becoming less of a priority than just enjoying spring running and ramping up for the second half of the year of trail fun. Later, I headed over to VE for an hour on the walls - almost got a bouldering route I've been trying for a while but was a bit nervous going so high without anyone spotting me (Val couldn't make it last night so I was by myself). Did a few auto-belays downstairs - no joy on the 5.8 routes - well, I shouldn't say no joy as I am loving every moment of just trying them - but got a few 5.7's. Equally awesome was watching a 10-year old kid lead climbing one of the toughest routes in the entire place. He is something else.

Wednesday: Yoga in the morning and this evening my first visit to Hyland ski hill since last August! And I haven't exactly missed it... 10 trips up and down with Guy, Eric, Igor x 2, and Jim... followed by a few miles cooldown. Despite the pain I think it'll have to become a regular trip.

The rest of the week involves a few easier workouts, with the 5K race on Sunday morning - which will be anything but easy. My goal is sub-20, i.e. a PR... last year was 20:12 - following a 20 miler on the Saturday. So this year should be easier, right? In any case, breakfast with the girls at the Egg & I afterwards will be most enjoyable regardless of the finish time!

And then a nice taper in the lead up to Chippewa.

I am not sure if a week qualifies as a taper for a 50K.


johnmaas said...

Glad to hear the foot is getting better. I always envy the amount of cross-training that you do.
Nice report on pacing at Zumbro and helping Val out. That sounds like a really tough course.
Best of luck to you at Chippewa!

keith said...

I thought I heard an Irish lilt riding the breeze to the top of the ski hill! I didn't want to ruin your concentration so I turned and pitter pattered back down the trail after watching you crush it. Nice work!

Olga said...

Helen, you are as upbeat and funny as I remember you:)

nwgdc said...

I think you should consider an additional 20 miler on Wednesday also, just to make sure you're ready for Chippewa.

nwgdc said...

I thought my strategic planning regarding a poor performance excuse was impeccable, but you apparently saw right through it.
I'm going to go play in traffic now and see what happens.
Thanks for nothing, Helen.

Beth said...

I'm glad your foot is better. This weather is so wonderful, I agree, it's hard to rest. Good luck at your race this weekend!

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