Thursday, October 9, 2008


I love my job (really I do, and yes, I know how lucky I am to be able to say that) but man it just gets in the way sometimes... it's been a while since I've had a week like this where I am sat in the office until 8, 9, 10pm... I don't mind working in the evenings but usually I can login from home and get a bit done while watching TV, eating etc... the essentials! But this week the afternoons just seemed to roll straight into the evenings and before I know it the office is empty but my 'To Do' list isn't any shorter.

Anyway, I guess it's good that it happened right after the marathon when I should be recovering. But by tonight I just had to get out and do something. Though my foot has been sore since Sunday. My right one, as opposed to my left one that was bothering me after Voyaguer. It's my first metatarsel that seems a little bruised. So I'm unsure about the Wild Duluth run on Saturday. I really want to head up there and check out some new trail but it won't be much fun if I can only run a few miles. Not to mention that I should be out doing a long bike... but I feel like I need to get in my car and chill out for a few hours. I picked up both CDs after the Ray Lamontagne concert last Saturday night (perfect pre-marathon gig) and am loving them. If I do head north then I'll have to get in a long bike Sunday morning so I am hoping the forecast improves. Biking in wind and rain is just not fun.

Now, better get back to that work idea before bedtime. I left 'early' to get to spin class tonight. I have not been to Johnny J's 2hr spin since April! And boy did I feel it... the classes are now every Monday and Thursday so I guess that's where I'll be for the next few weeks. Though next week work takes over again with a trip to DC. At least the conference is downtown so I get to run along the National Mall which I never tire of. I hope none of 'my people' are reading this. I haven't given up my passport yet but there is something very cool about running by all those monuments, the museums, down to the Capitol building...

End of post

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Helen
Congrats on the marathon. You will have to let me know how the Duluth Wild goes. I wanted to go up this weekend but have been having foot issues since Superior. It was either a stress fracture(not sure thoughs heal in a month) or some tendonitis. Anyway I have been taking it easy (so hard to do) and I was able to run again just this week. I am not ready for the assult of the SHT yet. Have fun, can't wait for the report!

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