Friday, October 17, 2008

Training Peak

As opposed to Peak Training - which is not where I am at for this upcoming IM! But this weekend is the L-O-N-G one. Tonight I swam with Kami and covered the 2.4M in 1:28. Happy enough with that. No breaks. Sure, it's pool swimming with a lane to myself (as opposed to constant fighting for your space the entire IM swim), with a kick-off every 25 yards. But that'll be balanced out by wearing a wetsuit! Or at least that's my theory. And I won't be swimming immediately after a pretty rough massage. Boy, did Sue find some tender spots this evening. My glute has never screamed quite so loudly. Biking tomorrow will be fun. 6hrs/100 miles is the plan. Pam, Kami and I are starting out at 8am (I don't even want to think how chilly it will be) and I think Susan will join us later. The Tri club are doing a ride over in Prescott but it's brutally hilly over there and considering the course in Arizona is relatively flat with one big climb (loop course so we do it 3 times), I need more time in aero position on flat, open, windy conditions. So we'll head west from Plymouth, out to Watertown and beyond. Then a short run afterwards. And Sunday morning a long run. Of course that will be the fun part of the weekend. Might head out to Afton. Or Hyland. Hoping to do ~4hrs. The foot feels really good today so I'm happy all the running in DC didn't seem to do any harm. It was so lovely running there but will be nice to get back on trails again.

While I think of it... I ran around all the monuments and memorials numerous times this week (and never tired of it) but my favourite run-by was The Newsuem on Pennsylvania & 7th - I wonder has anyone visited inside? I really must do so on my next trip. I LOVE newspapers. So I stopped for a few minutes to read the headlines... they have these long display cases on the sidewalk in front of the building and each morning by 6am they are filled with the front page of a newspaper from each of the 50 states. I just think it's such a cool concept. Thursday morning the MN choice was the Duluth News Tribune. It was fun seeing what made the front page in everything from a small town in Alabama to the Washington Post. Especially the morning after 'The Final Debate' - which I watched for all of 10 minutes before falling sound asleep. At least I got to hear about Joe the Plumber...

End of post

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