Saturday, April 5, 2008

Zumbro Bottoms Fat Ass

Last minute decision to hit the trails for the first time since Orcas. I've been getting the miles in on the road but there's a small matter of a 50k next weekend (Chippewa which by all accounts is a very popular inaugural race) so when I heard about Larry putting on this run on the UMTR website I was immediately tempted. But it was a 2hr drive each way for approx 2hrs on the trails so I figured I'd just wait until next weekend. Until late last night when I got an email with updated details of the run and I just knew I had to go! Pam and I had been planning to run with Kami from her house while others were doing their long run tomorrow morning. I figured I'd just head down there myself. Given it would be another hour for Kami to get to this side of town I knew it wouldn't work for her but Pam was up for it. So we set off at 6am this morning and found our way to Tielman...

Yes, there is a good story behind this...

Caribou - serving good coffee and ice-packs!

Of course once we got to Tielman we were a little lost not having a clue where the trail started. But sure enough we spotted a few people in a car wearing what we decided was technical fabric - we'd make great detectives - and followed them... indeed Nancy, her husband and friend were headed in the right direction.

After a few minutes chatting with Larry (confirming he did receive my Sawtooth entry - no backing out now!) and others we set off towards the river. We ran with John (2008 Arrowhead winner - WOW - 'nuff said!) and Steve - nice flat run along the river, across the bridge, up and down a few big ones and after an hour or so we left the guys at the river as they were going quite a bit longer than us. In any case I think it was only fair to let them off as we are just a tad slower! So we headed back along the south/east side of the river, back across the bridge and back to the picnic area.

Oh - you want to know about the leg - well, ok... so I'm hammering down that last hill on icy snow knowing it was just a matter of time until I wiped out. The packed snow wasn't so bad but every few yards there were patches of ice - I thought maybe my feet were going fast enough that they weren't actually touching the ice for long enough to slip... not so! Around a corner, no chance to navigate around the icy patch and down I went, slid along the ice and snow into a tree. THUMP!

Oh how I wish that was what actually happened! The truth - Pam and I are running back to the picnic area after a very enjoyable 2hr run - and I decide, in my infinite wisdom - sure, I can hurdle the HEAVY GAGE ROPE (which as Pam told me later is there to stop cars!) - OW OW OW - most emabarassing of all - there were witnesses.

Oh well. I'll know better next time... and at least I can tell my running into the fence story to people - when I'm ready to be laughed at that is. Pam on the other hand had a similar experience with a fence that you might not hear until after a few cocktails...

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