Friday, March 19, 2010

Perils with Prius? Oh yeah, baby!

This made me laugh out loud driving home this evening. A funny take on the ongoing saga...

Marketplace on NPR

Great run at Hyland after work - the trails are officially open for (running) business! Plenty of icy snow on the ski hills but easy enough to run across the top. Some mud in the usual spots but generally trail is in good shape. Hill repeats tomorrow... got to start sometime.

Right calf is still pretty tight. Big knot right in the middle of it. But overall feeling good after the weekend's action. The weather was something else this week - hopefully this weekend's drop in temperature is just a brief reminder of how far north we live. Back to Spring then please! Know that I have to start some structured training soon - more than just logging miles. Intervals, speedwork, ugh, sounds like hard work...