Monday, May 12, 2008

Taper - Day 1

Not terribly successful today since my easy run turned in 7:30's around the lakes! HR spiked at 178. Whoa. But my hamstrings felt good. More use of 'the stick' tonight (I must confess, while watching The Batchelor finale). Did yoga this morning also, which felt pretty good.

Got my road bike fitting this evening in Grand Performance. I've had the bike 3 years but of course I haven't looked at it never mind sat on it since I got the Orbea. But I would like to use it for some training - especially in crappy weather etc. I must have changed the way I position myself over the years - or else it was just a real bad fitting to begin with as Jeff made loads of changes to the set-up!! And I got new bars since I've gotten very comfy with the tri bike set up. It's an aluminum frame, way heavier than the Orbea so it will be harder work... so that when it comes to the racing it will be like a breeze! Or at least that's the plan.

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Finally we got to bike in the sunshine yesterday. It was a little windy, and I got another flat, but it was still a great day to be out and Carrie, Tanya and I were happy to get in a solid 50 miles. It ended up being a pretty full day as I'd taken a yoga class in the morning and then swam 2800 yards before the bike ride. Which we followed up with a nice easy 20 minute run. My first brick session this season!

Now for the taper... yoga and swimming is all that's allowed this week. Possibly an easy run tomorrow morning if the rain holds off.

Thankfully my hamstrings felt better this morning than they have in days. I've been using 'the stick' for 15-20 minutes every night so I think it is working...

CONGRATS to all who ran Ice Age yesterday - I've heard a few reports so far and it sounds like a great day out there.

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